infected or affected by AIDS
Humanitarian & non - profit NGO
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Each and every event we
organize has a detailled budget that we decide to publish online.
All the donations harvested will be given at 100% to a reliable Anglo-Saxone foundation that takes care of AIDS children.
Want to learn more ?All the donations harvested will be given at 100% to a reliable Anglo-Saxone foundation that takes care of AIDS children.
Petit Prince
(médecins du monde : France)
(Medecins du monde : USA)
(Medical College of Wisconsin)
Protect Children Agaisnt AIDS
Children and Families living with HIV
Initiative groupe of people living with HIV
Khane Khorshed
Iranian positive life
Pak plus (member of the gevernmental AIDS consortium)
NAZ India (fierté indienne, NEW DELHI))
Women's Action Group... WAG CHELSEA (OLD DELHI)
JNP+ (Jodhpur network people positive, Rajasthan)
KHANA (khmer HIV/AIDS NGO Alliance)
SCC (salvation center cambodia)
AFESIP (agir pour les femmes en situation précaires)
MAP Foundation
Camilian Social Center of Rayong
An example of what our
partners are doing for these children in Thaïland:
CASP (Community AIDS service)
Via Libre (projet "niños et ninãs por la vida")
Projects dedicated to children of West Caracas barrios (Propatria)
More information ? contact us
South Africa
(Right To Care)Soweto young peoples medical center (Kliptown)

Even modest, these harvested donations will be given at 100% to our reliable sister organization that is taking care of orphans infected or/and affected by HIV.

To sponsor a child it is to allow him (her) to have shelter and food every day, often a day, in an environment familiar to him (her).

Together against the innomable, because today hardly 10 % of the HIV-positive children have access to the care.
And if nothing is done, AIDS orphans shall soon be more than 25 millions.
21.04.18Training (at the progressisve Islamic center, IRGM of Berlin) about 12 spiritual steps to get out of addictions and sexual misery which lead to health issues and infections, especially amongst teenagers and young adults:
21.03.18Training about HIV, migration, religion and discriminations in association with the ALTAIR (Nanterre, ile-de-France) :
23.12.17First seminar of our Global Interfaith Network about "Families and traditionnal values":
23.12.17Information meeting about refugees and AIDS children (Marseille):
07.11.16"Révoltes extraordinaires : un enfant du Sida autour du monde" - second edition in color of our book about the 2008-2009 AIDS Children world tour:
07.01.16"Du placard aux Lumières" - the latest book of our founder Dr. Ludovic-Mohamed ZAHED - is about minorities discrimination and potential liberation:
28.09.14"International leaders leaving or personalities affected by HIV / AIDS" - Johannesburg, South Africa.
28.03.14"Children with HIV may be happy" - Educational workshops for parents / tutors who care for children living with HIV / AIDS: The project aim is to increase the educational competence of parents / legal tutors of children who live with a chronic illness. The classes will be followed by 30-40 parents / tutors and their children 0-13 years across Poland. While parents attend classes, qualified teachers and volunteers provide children with interesting attractions. Thank you to support this project by voting on the website of the foundation AVIVA! Thank you to send your questions to our sister organization in Poland, through TDMES.
25.10.13The representant & founder of TDMES, Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed, was in Burundi to drive a two days séminar about deconstructing prejudices concerning HIV/Aids and sexual and/or vulnerable minorities; a seminar organized in collaboration with the Euro-African confederation CALEM, the Gret and the local organization HUMURE. About twenty representatives were at the seminar coming from Burundi, Congo and Rwanda, and our documentary Planète infectée was spread there as a sensibilization tool concerning complex problematics.
06.04.13TDMES is happy to spread our documentary "Génération Sida" amongst our partner's volunteers of Solidarité Sida, to isnpire them about original and strong ways to fight back the pandemic.
19.11.12In Paris, our association is part of the CALEM main colloquim, to advise and exchange about HIV/Aids
2011The founding president of our association joined the committee
of organizational
experts of the
ANRS for the trial IPERGAY.01.12.11The first December 2011, we are proud to present the final vzersion of our documentary in 29 countries, and the book about that adventure alongside with the children of Aids; thanks to Libé, Dailymotion & the Agence Française de Développement that organized a public presentation at 1.30 PM (AFD, Paris).
09.10.10Our organization is part of the main CALEM colloquim in Paris - our expertize is needed, espacially with the CALEM partners coming from the Arab-Muslim world, since TDMES visited several of these countries during our exelusive enquiry.
2010 - 2012Our organization is
to join several French organization, for a two years prevention and
training programm, towards our sister organizations (among which are
are part of our international network, the ACNISS).

01.12.09TMDES was in Warsaw (Poland) to present our two years enquiry results, during the Polish national conference of PLWHIV.
17.08.09 - 24.08.09The first International Meeting of children living with AIDS was the highlight as well as the end of an adventure over a year, side by side with these children, coming from around the world to gather nearby Paris ...
05.06.09The World Tour is back to Europe, sound and safe oafter two years of enquiry, 9 month on the field !
10.05.09After our enquiry in South Africa, our World Tour got the Swaziland & Mozambic. Today the World Tour is in Kenya, on the Masaï Mara wild territories !
15.04.2009In south America, our World Tour passed byt the Incas holy cities, to the Barrios of Caracas : the most dangerous city in the world !
01.02.2009On the other side of the
world, we enquired in south east Asia, in Ocenania, from Phnom Pehn to
15.11.2009In Russia, AIDS
children life is incredibly hard. The World Tour is stopped at the
border for
more than one week (...). In
two months after the beginning of the Tour, the television wanted to
more about the reasons of such an initiative. In Iran, our president
met the
children of the south district of Teheran. Yesterday, the Tour was in
where we turned the second part of the documentary
on the Indian children of AIDS (photo below).02.10.200812th national meeting of the HIV-positive persons in Poland: two young teenagers are invited there for the first time. This stage stood out the beginning of the shooting of our documentary about AIDS children, soon spread on a french national TV (we hope for it). It was also in Poland that we did the First videoconference from Warsaw with several children of Nanterre (Paris' suburb)
12.08.2008On August 12th, 2008, AIDES Paris recommended us numerous local associations at the international level, which take care of the children of the AIDS: thanks to Miss Meurisse !
2007 reflexion, then action !
TDM-ES © 2008 | humanitarian, non
profit NGO (since 5 th of may 2006)